Alphabet is operated by Google’s then CEO Larry Page and co-founder Sergey Brin, who will help lead the new company as President. Sundar Pichai, senior vice president in charge of products at that time, was shifted over to be Google’s new CEO.
Alphabet is a large company which oversees other companies such as Google. Some of the other companies include life-extension project Calico and a drone delivery venture called Wing. However, Google will still retain control of the products we all know: search, ads, maps, YouTube, Google Play Store and Android.
Some people may still be confused as to what brands and companies are now under the control of Alphabet. Therefore, here are the ABCs of everything Alphabet Inc. currently owns:
- A – Alphabet / Android / AdSense / Analytics / Ara / AdMob / Alerts
- B – Blogger / Boston Dynamics / Books
- C – Calico / Cardboard / Capital
- D – Drive / DeepMind / Design / DoubleClick
- E – Earth / Express
- F – Fiber / Fi / Flights / FeedBurner / Firebase / Finance
- G – Google / Gmail / Glass / Groups
- H – Hangouts
- I – Images / Ingress / Inbox / Invite Media
- J – Jump
- K – Keep
- L – Life Sciences / Local / Loon
- M – Maps / My Business / Makani
- N – Nest / News / Nexus / Now
- O – Offers
- P – Plus / Play / Photos / Picasa / Pixate / Patents
- Q – (Nexus) Q
- R – Refine / reCaptcha
- S – Search / Shopping / SageTV /Stackdriver / Skybox / Skia / Scholar
- T – Translate / Tango
- U – N/A
- V – Voice / Ventures / VirusTotal / Video
- W – Wallet / Wing
- X – X Labs
- Y – YouTube
- Z – Project Z / Zagat
You may know or even use most of them, but few services that is less known to us is here. i have write some short description about what that particular service is all about.
The Nest is the Alphabet arm focusing on internet of things, ie in the development of Internet connected devices. it was created by Tony Fadell, one of the creators of the iPod. After leaving Apple, Fadell built the company, which was highlighted when creating a smart thermostat. He continues the company’s control.
The Nest starred in one of the biggest acquisitions in the history of Google. The deal was closed for $ 3.2 billion last year.
Studies and research on genetics and DNA, Calico aims to understand the aging process and increase longevity of people.
According to the company, this is one of the greatest scientific mysteries. The company will continue to be run by Art Levinson.
One of the latest projects of Google, Sidewalk Lab was founded in June this year to create better environments in urban centers.
His first mission will be to replace public phones in New York by totems of high technology. Its chairman is Dan Doctoroff, who has led the Bloomberg and took public office in New York.
Acces and Energy
Established in June, Access and Energy is the Alphabet division responsible for bringing Internet access to every corner of the world.
Do part of it, for example, Google Fiber, which offers broadband through optical fiber and the Project Link, which builds networks of its kind in Africa; beyond the Project Loon, who wants to take the web to remote places with the help of balloons and Google Green, renewable energy program of the company.
The Energy Access and is chaired by Craig Barratt, who has led the Atheros Communications, now owned by Qualcomm.
The “Google X” is the Alphabet project incubator. The development laboratory will continue to be managed by Sergey Brin, who founded Google alongside Larry Page.
There, born experiments like Google Glass and the Loon, a program that wants to bring internet to remote places through balloons. The Loon is now managed by Access and Energy.
It is also within the X that is the health division “Life Sciences”, which were created intelligent contact lenses sensitive to glucose able to detect the diabetes, for example.
Alphabet of investment fund, the Capital’s mission is to “invest people passionate about the potential of technology to change the way we live.”
Its president is David Lawee. The company has invested in startups as Duoling (for language teaching) and Survey Monkey (aims to create online surveys.
Another of Alphabet investment arm, the Ventures aims to finance the growth of all branches companies.
The fund has already allocated capital in over 300 companies like Uber, the Nest (which now also belongs to the group) and organizations in the health field. The venture offers them support in the design, engineering, recruiting and marketing, for example. Its president and founder is Bill Maris.